Corporate Social Responsibility

Social Responsibilities

As the leading provider of moisture damage prevention solutions, corporate social responsibility (‘CSR’) is an integral part of our business strategy. 

We operate in an economically, socially and environmentally ethical way while balancing the interests of our internal and external stakeholders.


Our Vision and Values state our core philosophy, principles, and ideals as we fulfil our Purpose

Vision: To be recognized as an ethically, socially, and environmentally responsible supplier of moisture damage prevention solutions.

Mission: We support businesses, protecting cargo from moisture damage during ocean transport and storage. Preserving value, preventing waste.

Values: Excellent products & services, Mutual respect, Honesty, Agility, Compliance, Respect nature

In line with our Vision, Mission and Values, corporate responsibility is about operating conscientiously, using natural resources efficiently in all aspects of our business and contributing positively to the development of our communities.

We are committed to uphold the principles of social responsibility, namely accountability, transparency, ethical behavior, respect for stakeholder interests, respect for the rule of law, respect for international norms of behavior and respect for human rights. And we expect the same from our business partners in our supply chain.

Within our sphere of influence, we uphold non-discriminatory behavior towards all stakeholders and do not engage in forced labor or child labor practices. We support fair competition practices and anti-corruption measures, respect civil and political rights and observe occupational, labor, health and safety legislations in every jurisdiction we are localized.